This paper presents research on effectiveness of P-control algorithm with a pressure as an output signal for an active vibration isolator using pneumatic bellow. Pressure pulsation inside the pneumatic element of the vibration isolator is studied in the frequency range covering its sub resonant and resonant frequencies. Spectral analysis is used to compare the response to harmonic excitation of active pneumatic vibration isolator and that for the case with active control disabled. The minimal bore size of the control valve is defined to achieve a double advantage of the active system over the passive one in the frequency range including the vibration isolator resonant frequency. It is shown that to obtain this result, a fast-acting spool valve should be used. Moreover, at a low frequency range of a Hertz-level excitation signal, P-control algorithm demonstrates three times decrease of pressure pulsation amplitude. The analysis of experimental results shows that P-control algorithm with pressure output and the high response spool valve with the bore size as large as possible can be used for active pneumatic vibration isolator at the low frequency range.

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