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Keywords: Drag reduction
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Proceedings Papers
Proc. ASME. FEDSM2024, Volume 1: Fluid Applications and Systems (FASTC); Fluid Measurement and Instrumentation (FMITC); Fluid Mechanics (FMTC); Multiphase Flow (MFTC), V001T03A010, July 15–17, 2024
Publisher: American Society of Mechanical Engineers
Paper No: FEDSM2024-130551
... intensity is reduced, however, in the near wake downstream, there is an increase in axial turbulence intensity attributed to the wake of the cylinder. turbulent boundary layer drag reduction turbulence Proceedings of the ASME 2024 Fluids Engineering Division Summer Meeting FEDSM2024 July 15-17...
Proceedings Papers
Proc. ASME. FEDSM2022, Volume 1: Fluid Applications and Systems (FASTC); Fluid Measurement and Instrumentation (FMITC); Fluid Mechanics (FMTC), V001T03A015, August 3–5, 2022
Publisher: American Society of Mechanical Engineers
Paper No: FEDSM2022-87396
... Abstract There is a need for fuel-efficient vehicles to reduce greenhouse emission and minimize the range problem of electric vehicles. Aerodynamic drag reduction provides one of the cheapest but effective alternatives. Therefore, the development and analysis of new passive strategies that can...
Proceedings Papers
Proc. ASME. FEDSM2021, Volume 3: Fluid Mechanics; Micro and Nano Fluid Dynamics; Multiphase Flow, V003T05A009, August 10–12, 2021
Publisher: American Society of Mechanical Engineers
Paper No: FEDSM2021-61461
... Proceedings of the ASME 2021 Fluids Engineering Division Summer Meeting FEDSM2021 August 10-12, 2021, Virtual, Online FEDSM2021-61461 PASSIVE DRAG REDUCTION TECHNOLOGY USING MICROFIBER COATINGS Mitsugu Hasegawa1, Hirotaka Sakaue1 1University of Notre Dame, Notre Dame, IN, USA ABSTRACT passive flow...
Proceedings Papers
Proc. ASME. FEDSM2021, Volume 3: Fluid Mechanics; Micro and Nano Fluid Dynamics; Multiphase Flow, V003T07A010, August 10–12, 2021
Publisher: American Society of Mechanical Engineers
Paper No: FEDSM2021-65760
... is addressed in this research. Furthermore, the textures disrupt the thermal boundary layer, which can boost thermal transport through recirculation mixing. However, the stagnant fluid trapped within the grooves has weak convective heat transfer. So far, the results have been promising and a drag reduction...
Proceedings Papers
Proc. ASME. AJKFluids2019, Volume 2: Computational Fluid Dynamics, V002T02A036, July 28–August 1, 2019
Publisher: American Society of Mechanical Engineers
Paper No: AJKFluids2019-4619
... Abstract Practical implementation of ship drag reduction techniques can lead to substantial fuel savings and lessening environmental impacts of maritime transportation. One of such technologies is based on injecting air underneath ship hulls, which results in the formation of thin air cavities...
Proceedings Papers
Proc. ASME. AJKFluids2019, Volume 5: Multiphase Flow, V005T05A001, July 28–August 1, 2019
Publisher: American Society of Mechanical Engineers
Paper No: AJKFluids2019-4647
... shown formation of microbubble clusters intermittently, which has Coulomb potential due to negative electric charge on bubble interfaces. microbubble turbulent boundary layer drag reduction multiphase flow flow visualization VISUALIZATION OF MICROBUBBLE DISTRIBUTION INSIDE TURBULENT...
Proceedings Papers
Proc. ASME. AJKFluids2019, Volume 1: Fluid Mechanics, V001T01A011, July 28–August 1, 2019
Publisher: American Society of Mechanical Engineers
Paper No: AJKFluids2019-5681
... Abstract It has been widely expected that the pulsating control can reduce friction drag in various fluid systems. In order to maximize its effect, a prediction tool of drag reduction using pulsating control is required. The present study aims at the prediction of the drag reduction rate...
Proceedings Papers
Proc. ASME. AJKFluids2019, Volume 1: Fluid Mechanics, V001T01A012, July 28–August 1, 2019
Publisher: American Society of Mechanical Engineers
Paper No: AJKFluids2019-5691
... Abstract Drag reduction effect by traveling wavy wall deformation control in turbulent pipe flow was experimentally investigated. From the visualization, we confirmed the downstream traveling wave although it was not uniform in the circumferential direction. When the frequency is 110 Hz...
Proceedings Papers
Proc. ASME. AJKFluids2019, Volume 1: Fluid Mechanics, V001T01A005, July 28–August 1, 2019
Publisher: American Society of Mechanical Engineers
Paper No: AJKFluids2019-5121
... pressure and velocity field are measured. In the result of aerodynamic force measurement, driving plasma actuator successfully achieves 3% drag reduction at the most. Flow field measurement of total pressure and two-component velocity shows the difference of vortex structure near the rear end between off...
Proceedings Papers
Proc. ASME. FEDSM2012, Volume 1: Symposia, Parts A and B, 945-950, July 8–12, 2012
Publisher: American Society of Mechanical Engineers
Paper No: FEDSM2012-72437
... An experimental study of a new three-dimensional (3-D) riblet has been carried out. The lateral spacing of our 3-D riblet surface is sinusoidally varied in the streamwise direction (see Fig. 3). In the comparison of the optimal two-dimensional (2-D) blade riblet which shows 9.9% drag reduction...
Proceedings Papers
Proc. ASME. FEDSM2010, ASME 2010 3rd Joint US-European Fluids Engineering Summer Meeting: Volume 1, Symposia – Parts A, B, and C, 2595-2604, August 1–5, 2010
Publisher: American Society of Mechanical Engineers
Paper No: FEDSM-ICNMM2010-30321
... coefficient can be decreased by 2%, the aerodynamic cooling drag coefficient by more than 50% and the lift coefficient by 5%. Finally, new designs of aerodynamic drag reduction, based on the combined effects of the different investigated parameters, are proposed. Aerodynamic Drag reduction Simplified...
Proceedings Papers
Proc. ASME. FEDSM2007, Volume 1: Symposia, Parts A and B, 247-255, July 30–August 2, 2007
Publisher: American Society of Mechanical Engineers
Paper No: FEDSM2007-37042
...turbulent boundary layer, which is a typical external Proceedings of FEDSM2007 5th Joint ASME/JSME Fluids Engineering Conference July 30-August 2, 2007 San Diego, California USA the mean velocity scaled by the friction velocity in- creases with increasing the amount of drag reduction...
Proceedings Papers
Proc. ASME. FEDSM2007, Volume 1: Symposia, Parts A and B, 257-264, July 30–August 2, 2007
Publisher: American Society of Mechanical Engineers
Paper No: FEDSM2007-37056
... 26 03 2009 Turbulent drag reduction realized by hydrogen microbubbles was investigated experimentally. A method of generating microbubbles of 10–60μm diameter by water electrolysis was established. Experiments were performed using a water circulating tunnel. Microbubbles generated...
Proceedings Papers
Hideki Kawashima, Yoshiaki Kodama, Munehiko Hinatsu, Toshifumi Hori, Masahiko Makino, Masashi Ohnawa, Haruya Takeshi, Motoyuki Sakoda, Hisanobu Kawashima, Fumiko Matsuno
Proc. ASME. FEDSM2007, Volume 1: Symposia, Parts A and B, 265-274, July 30–August 2, 2007
Publisher: American Society of Mechanical Engineers
Paper No: FEDSM2007-37079
... 26 03 2009 This paper is a progress report of a research project toward practical use of air bubble injection as a drag reduction device for ships. Air bubbles injected into the turbulent boundary layer in water flow are well known to have significant skin friction reduction effect...
Proceedings Papers
Proc. ASME. FEDSM2007, Volume 1: Symposia, Parts A and B, 291-298, July 30–August 2, 2007
Publisher: American Society of Mechanical Engineers
Paper No: FEDSM2007-37242
...Proceedings of FEDSM2007 5th Joint ASME/JSME Fluids Engineering Conference July 30-August 2, 2007 San Diego, California USA tion and for several pipes (4m long) with different diameters. In the case of high concentration conditions (500 and 750ppm), the range of drag reduction without heat exchange...
Proceedings Papers
Proc. ASME. FEDSM2007, Volume 1: Symposia, Parts A and B, 307-312, July 30–August 2, 2007
Publisher: American Society of Mechanical Engineers
Paper No: FEDSM2007-37291
... pressure and velocity is high only for the streamwise component of the velocity vector for single phase flow (no microbubbles in the flow). A practical application of these measurements is obtaining data and information to better describe the mechanism responsible for the microbubble drag reduction...
Proceedings Papers
Proc. ASME. FEDSM2007, Volume 1: Symposia, Parts A and B, 1103-1110, July 30–August 2, 2007
Publisher: American Society of Mechanical Engineers
Paper No: FEDSM2007-37117
... of compliant coatings has been known as the drag reduction means of the skin-friction and was studied by many researchers for 50 years. However the mechanism of drag reduction is not clarified. In this study, experimental study was conducted using compliant walls made of silicone gel to investigate...
Proceedings Papers
Proc. ASME. FEDSM2002, Volume 1: Fora, Parts A and B, 1443-1448, July 14–18, 2002
Publisher: American Society of Mechanical Engineers
Paper No: FEDSM2002-31059
... the skin-friction drag when opposition control is carried out with appropriate timing. turbulence boundary layers flow control drag reduction Proceedings of ASME FEDSM'02 2002 ASME Fluids Engineering Division Summer Meeting RB controlled with a relatively simple control scheme. For example...
Proceedings Papers
Proc. ASME. FEDSM2002, Volume 1: Fora, Parts A and B, 1131-1136, July 14–18, 2002
Publisher: American Society of Mechanical Engineers
Paper No: FEDSM2002-31342
... Base flow Near wake Unsteady flow Drag reduction This paper discusses experimental results aimed at defining a base drag reduction device based on splitter plates. The unsteady 3D nature of the flow is studied by Schlieren photographies, particle image velocimetry and measurement...
Proceedings Papers
Proc. ASME. FEDSM2002, Volume 1: Fora, Parts A and B, 411-417, July 14–18, 2002
Publisher: American Society of Mechanical Engineers
Paper No: FEDSM2002-31013
... 04 03 2009 The investigation results of the supercavitation for high speed motion of prolate axisymmetric bodies in water are presented. The cavitation drag forming and drag reduction problems are considered on base studying of the peculiarities of the supercavitation flows...