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Proceedings Papers
Shape Reconstruction of Liquid Ligaments and Droplets Model via Multi-View Digital Inline Holography
Proc. ASME. FEDSM2021, Volume 2: Fluid Applications and Systems; Fluid Measurement and Instrumentation, V002T04A008, August 10–12, 2021
Publisher: American Society of Mechanical Engineers
Paper No: FEDSM2021-65861
Proceedings Papers
Proc. ASME. AJKFluids2019, Volume 4: Fluid Measurement and Instrumentation; Micro and Nano Fluid Dynamics, V004T04A008, July 28–August 1, 2019
Publisher: American Society of Mechanical Engineers
Paper No: AJKFluids2019-4731
Proceedings Papers
Proc. ASME. FEDSM2018, Volume 2: Development and Applications in Computational Fluid Dynamics; Industrial and Environmental Applications of Fluid Mechanics; Fluid Measurement and Instrumentation; Cavitation and Phase Change, V002T14A002, July 15–20, 2018
Publisher: American Society of Mechanical Engineers
Paper No: FEDSM2018-83027
Proceedings Papers
Proc. ASME. FEDSM2017, Volume 1C, Symposia: Gas-Liquid Two-Phase Flows; Gas and Liquid-Solid Two-Phase Flows; Numerical Methods for Multiphase Flow; Turbulent Flows: Issues and Perspectives; Flow Applications in Aerospace; Fluid Power; Bio-Inspired Fluid Mechanics; Flow Manipulation and Active Control; Fundamental Issues and Perspectives in Fluid Mechanics; Transport Phenomena in Energy Conversion From Clean and Sustainable Resources; Transport Phenomena in Materials Processing and Manufacturing Processes, V01CT22A007, July 30–August 3, 2017
Publisher: American Society of Mechanical Engineers
Paper No: FEDSM2017-69569
Proceedings Papers
Proc. ASME. FEDSM2014, Volume 1D, Symposia: Transport Phenomena in Mixing; Turbulent Flows; Urban Fluid Mechanics; Fluid Dynamic Behavior of Complex Particles; Analysis of Elementary Processes in Dispersed Multiphase Flows; Multiphase Flow With Heat/Mass Transfer in Process Technology; Fluid Mechanics of Aircraft and Rocket Emissions and Their Environmental Impacts; High Performance CFD Computation; Performance of Multiphase Flow Systems; Wind Energy; Uncertainty Quantification in Flow Measurements and Simulations, V01DT32A011, August 3–7, 2014
Publisher: American Society of Mechanical Engineers
Paper No: FEDSM2014-21778
Proceedings Papers
Proc. ASME. FEDSM2014, Volume 1D, Symposia: Transport Phenomena in Mixing; Turbulent Flows; Urban Fluid Mechanics; Fluid Dynamic Behavior of Complex Particles; Analysis of Elementary Processes in Dispersed Multiphase Flows; Multiphase Flow With Heat/Mass Transfer in Process Technology; Fluid Mechanics of Aircraft and Rocket Emissions and Their Environmental Impacts; High Performance CFD Computation; Performance of Multiphase Flow Systems; Wind Energy; Uncertainty Quantification in Flow Measurements and Simulations, V01DT39A009, August 3–7, 2014
Publisher: American Society of Mechanical Engineers
Paper No: FEDSM2014-22009
Proceedings Papers
Proc. ASME. FEDSM2013, Volume 2, Fora: Cavitation and Multiphase Flow; Fluid Measurements and Instrumentation; Microfluidics; Multiphase Flows: Work in Progress, V002T06A003, July 7–11, 2013
Publisher: American Society of Mechanical Engineers
Paper No: FEDSM2013-16062
Proceedings Papers
Proc. ASME. AJK2011, ASME-JSME-KSME 2011 Joint Fluids Engineering Conference: Volume 1, Symposia – Parts A, B, C, and D, 2693-2700, July 24–29, 2011
Publisher: American Society of Mechanical Engineers
Paper No: AJK2011-11010
Proceedings Papers
Proc. ASME. FEDSM2007, Volume 1: Symposia, Parts A and B, 1697-1703, July 30–August 2, 2007
Publisher: American Society of Mechanical Engineers
Paper No: FEDSM2007-37227
Proceedings Papers
Proc. ASME. FEDSM2002, Volume 2: Symposia and General Papers, Parts A and B, 671-676, July 14–18, 2002
Publisher: American Society of Mechanical Engineers
Paper No: FEDSM2002-31436
Proceedings Papers
Proc. ASME. FEDSM2003, Volume 2: Symposia, Parts A, B, and C, 1323-1324, July 6–10, 2003
Publisher: American Society of Mechanical Engineers
Paper No: FEDSM2003-45674
Proceedings Papers
Proc. ASME. FEDSM2003, Volume 1: Fora, Parts A, B, C, and D, 1841-1842, July 6–10, 2003
Publisher: American Society of Mechanical Engineers
Paper No: FEDSM2003-45794
Proceedings Papers
Proc. ASME. FEDSM2003, Volume 1: Fora, Parts A, B, C, and D, 2585-2592, July 6–10, 2003
Publisher: American Society of Mechanical Engineers
Paper No: FEDSM2003-45364
Proceedings Papers
Proc. ASME. FEDSM2003, Volume 1: Fora, Parts A, B, C, and D, 2345-2350, July 6–10, 2003
Publisher: American Society of Mechanical Engineers
Paper No: FEDSM2003-45218
Proceedings Papers
Proc. ASME. FEDSM2003, Volume 1: Fora, Parts A, B, C, and D, 675-681, July 6–10, 2003
Publisher: American Society of Mechanical Engineers
Paper No: FEDSM2003-45648
Proceedings Papers
Proc. ASME. FEDSM2006, Volume 1: Symposia, Parts A and B, 1445-1450, July 17–20, 2006
Publisher: American Society of Mechanical Engineers
Paper No: FEDSM2006-98266
Proceedings Papers
Proc. ASME. FEDSM2006, Volume 1: Symposia, Parts A and B, 617-625, July 17–20, 2006
Publisher: American Society of Mechanical Engineers
Paper No: FEDSM2006-98263
Proceedings Papers
Proc. ASME. FEDSM2006, Volume 1: Symposia, Parts A and B, 1723-1732, July 17–20, 2006
Publisher: American Society of Mechanical Engineers
Paper No: FEDSM2006-98267
Proceedings Papers
Sylvain Chaminade, Jean Toutain, Stefan Dilhaire, Eric Arquis, Christine Marraud, Virginie Marchetto
Proc. ASME. FEDSM2006, Volume 1: Symposia, Parts A and B, 1129-1137, July 17–20, 2006
Publisher: American Society of Mechanical Engineers
Paper No: FEDSM2006-98139