In this study, the whisker structure of a harbor seal is applied to the lip of a trailing edge cutback of gas turbine airfoils. A total of four whisker cases are studied as well as a prototype case and an elliptic lip case. Large Eddy Simulation is used to simulate the unsteady flow of the cutback cooling unit. The results show that the elliptic and whisker lip can significantly improve film cooling effectiveness. In particular, whisker Case-3 can achieve the best results at the medium blowing ratio. The analysis shows that the whiskered lip structure weakens the strength of the vortex shed from the lip. The decrease in the strength of the lip vortex weakens the effect of the lip vortex in entraining the mainstream high-temperature gas to the cutback surface and entraining the coolant away from the cutback surface. Therefore, the coverage effect of the coolant on the cutback surface is improved. Whisker Lip Case-3 has the separation shear layer converge from the crest to the trough, significantly reducing the film mixing process in the crest area. However, the mixing in the trough area does not increase significantly, which improves the overall film cooling effectiveness.