
This paper presents results of Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) modeling and experimental wind tunnel testing to predict the drag coefficient for a Human Powered Vehicle (HPV) entered in the World Human Powered Speed Challenge (WHPSC). Herein, a comparison of CFD to wind tunnel test data is presented for ten different HPV designs. The current study reveals that streamlining the nose cone, tail cone, and wheel housing allows for a reduction of drag forces in critical areas, and a reduced drag coefficient. This allows for a selection to be made during the design phase, prior to manufacturing. Drag coefficients were found to be in the range of 0.133 < CD < 0.273, depending on the type of HPV considered. Wind tunnel testing was performed on scale models of the HPV showing agreement to the CFD results on average to within 16%. The wind tunnel testing showed a 7.7% decrease in drag coefficient from the baseline HPV of 2019 to the baseline HPV of 2020. Thus, the wind tunnel data supported by CFD analysis was used to assist in the design of the HPV.

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