Natural ventilation is the process of supplying and removing air through an indoor space by natural means. Windcatcher has been used over centuries for providing natural ventilation using wind power, it is an effective passive method to provide healthy and comfortable indoor environment by decreasing moisture content in the air and reducing pollutants concentration effectively. The windcatcher’s function is based on the wind and on the stack effect resulting from temperature differences. Materials that change phase at certain temperature are frequently referred to as Phase Change Materials (PCMs). PCMs change from solid to liquid and vice versa. PCMs could be used in passive cooling systems and they are directly related to building energy efficiency. In this study air flow through a two-dimensional room fitted with a windcatcher and incorporated with phase change materials (PCMs) is simulated. The temperature change in the room implementing PCM is analyzed to monitor the PCMs’ performance. To achieve this, Ansys Fluent is used to simulate the temperature changes inside the room as well as the melting process of PCM. PCM is placed at the right and left walls of the room and at its bottom. Two cases have been considered (with and without PCM) and the average temperatures at three locations have been compared for an inlet velocity of 1 m/s and an inlet temperature of 302 K. The average temperature at 1.2 m high inside the room with PCM dropped by about 1–2 °C compared to that without PCM.