The strength of an oil carrier is generally checked using static load or equivalent load of wave action in accordance with relevant specifications. In order to accurately calculate the stress and the deformation of an oil carrier under wave action, the fluid-structure interaction system in the platform Workbench is used in this work. And, the pressure-based solver, the two-phase flow model and UDF (User Defined Function) in the software FLUENT are used to compile the three-order Stokes Wave so as to simulate ocean waves. Forces acting on the surface of the oil carrier are obtained by calculating the flow field, and the structural strength of the carrier is then investigated under sagging and hogging conditions. The results show that: the three-order Stokes Wave matches well with the theoretical result, and it is feasible to research the strength of the oil carrier by generating waves using this numerical method. In addition, the method of fluid-structure interaction is applied to investigate the structural strength of the fully-loaded carrier under sagging and hogging conditions.

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