Various methods of controlling flow separation have been proposed and many studies have been performed on active separation control in correspondence with the flow state. However, their efficiency has been hampered by the requirement of electric power for the added stream. Recently, an active flow separation control device based on a fluidic oscillator that does not require electric power has been reported. This device is able to generate a sweeping jet over a wide spatial range as well as fluid oscillations, and its internal structure eliminates the need for a drive unit. The studies of the flow separation control techniques using the fluidic oscillator have been reported. However, most of these results are mainly contribution of the dynamic forces from the viewpoint of the flow control and the study on the flow mechanism for the separation flow control using the fluidic oscillator have not been understood. Especially, it is not known the interaction between the sweeping jet from the fluidic oscillator and the main flow and the flow structure due to the interaction. In order to make a flow separation control devise with high efficiency using the fluidic oscillator, it is require to be understood the complex flow structure by the interaction between the sweeping jet from the fluidic oscillator and the main flow. The purpose of the present study is to investigate the flow structure by the interaction between the sweeping jet from the fluidic oscillator and the main flow quantitatively by the stereo PIV measurement. The sweeping jet ejected from a fluidic oscillator evidently disrupts the main flow at high velocity ratios, leading to a significant change in flow structure. A high-speed jet appears at the center part of the structure, accompanied by low-speed flow at the outside, producing a 3D distribution. The sweeping jet ejected from the fluidic oscillator maintains the spreading angleas a result of the interaction between the two flows at high velocity ratios.

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