The problem of three-dimensional steady shock wave interaction is a key issue for supersonic and hypersonic corner flow. Due to the complexity of shock configurations, there is no analytical theory to such problem and the mechanism of three-dimensional shock waves and boundary layer interaction has not been clearly known. In this paper, an analytical approach to the problem of three-dimensional steady shock wave interaction was exhibited to analytically interpret the mechanism of three-dimensional interaction of two oblique planar shock waves. The results showed that the problem of three-dimensional steady shock wave interaction could be transformed to that of two moving shock wave interaction in two-dimensional plane, and there are various interaction configurations such as regular interaction, Mach interaction and weak interaction. The mechanism of three-dimensional shock wave interaction is helpful to understand the complex flow mechanism induced by three-dimensional shock wave and boundary layer in hypersonic flow. The interaction of three-dimensional shock waves and boundary layer plays important role in the complex flow feature in hypersonic rudder region. The contact surface induced by three-dimensional shock waves represents a local jet. When the flow jet impinges on the boundary layer of wall surface, the jet makes the boundary layer thinner and will inevitably cause local heat flux peak. The interaction configurations of three-dimensional shock wave play important role in the gasdynamic heating mechanisms of hypersonic complex flow.

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