Recent experimental and modeling studies have indicated that turbulence and cavitation behaviors within a realistic fuel injector have significant effects on the liquid atomization and spray processes. In addition to the breakup process induced by aerodynamic force at the liquid/gas interface, the effects of flow characteristics including turbulence and cavitation inside the injector nozzle on atomization have been shown to be important. The cavitation within the injector is complicated by the turbulent flow under large pressure gradient and geometry of the injector orifice. We have previously developed the “T-blob” and “T-TAB” model, for liquid fuel primary and secondary breakup predictions respectively, to account for liquid turbulence effects within the injector. The objective of this study is to further account for the cavitation effect in the atomization process of a cylindrical liquid jet. In the primary breakup model, the level of the turbulence effect on the liquid breakup depends on the characteristic scales and the initial flow conditions. These scales are further modified to include the cavitation effect. The drop size formed is estimated based on the energy distribution among wave, turbulence and cavitation modes. This paper describes theoretical development of the current model. Both non-evaporating and evaporating spray cases will be investigated to validate the newly developed cavitation-induced atomization model.

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