In this study, a three-dimensional model coupling hydrodynamics with algae transport dynamics is investigated. The hydrodynamic model solves the three-dimensional Navier-Stokes equations by a semi-implicit, fractional step method, where the hydrostatic components are determined first and the non-hydrostatic pressure and other components are determined in a subsequent step. Wind velocity on the water surface is accounted for the effect of wind stress on the flow velocities in the hydrodynamic model. Then, the model is coupled with an algae transport model, which enables simulation of algae transport and algal blooms. As an example, the model is implemented to analyze the transition of blue-green algae in Milford Lake, which is the largest man-made lake in Kansas suffering from blue-green algae blooms. The three-dimensional model provides a robust and efficient way for hydrodynamic and algae modeling and can be implemented to studies on different types of rivers and reservoirs easily. The simulated results can be very useful for algae control and prediction in both short and long terms.

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