Both experimental and computational methods applied to the study of porous media flows are challenging due to the complex multi-phase geometry and ability to resolve scales over a reasonably large domain. This study compares experimentally obtained results based on refractive index matching of detailed velocity field vectors with those obtained using DNS to evaluate both methods for consistency. Data were obtained in a randomly packed bed using uniformly sized spherical particles. Experimental challenges including refractive index matching errors, magnification uncertainties, and the identification of the proper geometry as well as, the arduousness, of matching the geometry, grid resolution particularly near solid contact points, and proper boundary conditions DNS are presented. Detailed comparison of the numerical simulation with PIV measurements are presented by attention paid to the statistical distribution of velocities, and their deviation from DNS estimations from the measured values. There is reasonable matching the velocity fields except for some regions of constricted flow. The axial velocity results are within 12 percent and the normal velocity within 9%. Streamline details show that both methods agree well.

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