Flow structures downstream of a finned-tube are compared to those of an identical pipe; with the same diameter and length, covered with a foam layer. The standard case of cross-flow over a bare tube, i.e. no surface extension, is also tested as a benchmark. Experiments are conducted in a wind tunnel at Reynolds numbers of 4000 and 16000. Particle image velocimetry (PIV) was used for flow visualization on two different perpendicular planes. To characterize the size of the flow structures downstream of the tube, for each of the aforementioned case, two-point correlation, as a statistical analysis tool, has been used. It has been observed that by decreasing the Reynolds number, the flow structures are further stretched in streamwise direction for both bare and finned-tube cases. This is, however, more pronounced with the former. Interestingly, with a foam-wrapped tube the sizes of the flow structures are found to be independent of the Reynolds number. Finally, the structure sizes are smaller in the case of the foam-wrapped tube compared to those of finned-tube.

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