Resulting volt-ampere characteristics (VACs) of the furnace have maximum values at constant temperature (T = const) which is explained by the non-linear character of the SER function. There exists a technological temperature limit of EFFB responsible for its stable operation. The furnace operation beyond the stability margin depends on the power source characteristics which may cause a sharp power drop or a shorting. The VAC characteristics are determined by the type of material, geometry of the furnace working space, electrode diameter, active zone height, the gap between the electrode and the lining, design of heat insulation and the cooling system. Taking these parameters into consideration, it is possible to conduct a preliminary analysis of the unit stable operation modes as early as during the design stage.
- Fluids Engineering Division
Modeling the Operation Regimes in Ultra-High Temperature Continuous Reactors
Fedorov, SS, Gubynskyi, MV, Barsukov, IV, Livitan, MV, Gogotsi, OG, & Rohatgi, US. "Modeling the Operation Regimes in Ultra-High Temperature Continuous Reactors." Proceedings of the ASME 2014 4th Joint US-European Fluids Engineering Division Summer Meeting collocated with the ASME 2014 12th International Conference on Nanochannels, Microchannels, and Minichannels. Volume 1C, Symposia: Fundamental Issues and Perspectives in Fluid Mechanics; Industrial and Environmental Applications of Fluid Mechanics; Issues and Perspectives in Automotive Flows; Gas-Solid Flows: Dedicated to the Memory of Professor Clayton T. Crowe; Numerical Methods for Multiphase Flow; Transport Phenomena in Energy Conversion From Clean and Sustainable Resources; Transport Phenomena in Materials Processing and Manufacturing Processes. Chicago, Illinois, USA. August 3–7, 2014. V01CT18A012. ASME.
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