The crude oil produced from well contains a mixture of oil, gas and water. The existing pump system that uses a single phase pump requires a separator to separate the crude oil. Changing from a single phase pump to a multiphase pump significantly reduces costs because a multiphase pump does not require a separator. Therefore, most wells currently being developed apply the multiphase pump system. In this study, a multiphase pump was designed using a multi objective optimization technique. To conduct research, a base model was chosen and its performance was evaluated through numerical analysis. The design variables and variable ranges were set for the impeller and the diffuser. Based on the selected variables, experiment sets were produced. The experiment sets were also evaluated for their performance using numerical analysis. Based on the performance evaluation results of each experiment set, the optimization model for a multiphase pump was derived using Response Surface Method (RSM). In addition, each model’s performance for multiphase flow was also evaluated according to changes in Gas Volume Fraction (GVF) using multiphase numerical analysis. Furthermore, the internal flow characteristics of each model were analyzed.
- Fluids Engineering Division
Multi Objective Optimization of a Multiphase Pump for Offshore Plants
Kim, J, Lee, H, Yoon, J, Lee, K, Lee, Y, & Choi, Y. "Multi Objective Optimization of a Multiphase Pump for Offshore Plants." Proceedings of the ASME 2014 4th Joint US-European Fluids Engineering Division Summer Meeting collocated with the ASME 2014 12th International Conference on Nanochannels, Microchannels, and Minichannels. Volume 1B, Symposia: Fluid Machinery; Fluid-Structure Interaction and Flow-Induced Noise in Industrial Applications; Flow Applications in Aerospace; Flow Manipulation and Active Control: Theory, Experiments and Implementation; Multiscale Methods for Multiphase Flow; Noninvasive Measurements in Single and Multiphase Flows. Chicago, Illinois, USA. August 3–7, 2014. V01BT10A011. ASME.
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