The feasibility of using liquid Al or B2O3 encapsulated in SiC particles was studied by using thermodynamic analysis and fluid-solid analysis at temperatures ranging from 800 to 1300°C. Alloy melts of the Al-Si and Fe-Al-Si systems were considered for absorbing and desorbing energy for a high temperature energy storage (TES) unit incorporated in a concentrating solar power scheme. Boria was also evaluated instead of metallic melts and compared with the traditional NaNO3-KNO3 molten salt as a TES medium. In addition to determining the enthalpies for sensible heat and phase transformations, the phase equilibrium was determined for possible reactions at the liquid Al/SiC and B2O3/SiC interfaces by calculating their thermodynamic stability. The transport of encapsulated SiC particles within a fluid and their effect on the thermal conductivity is discussed toward the efficacy of the thermal energy storage.
- Fluids Engineering Division
Feasibility Studies of Encapsulated Particles With Heat Absorbing Medium at 800–1300°C for Concentrating Solar Power Technology
Sepulveda, A, Shantha-Kumar, S, Kumar, V, Bronson, A, & Ma, Z. "Feasibility Studies of Encapsulated Particles With Heat Absorbing Medium at 800–1300°C for Concentrating Solar Power Technology." Proceedings of the ASME 2013 Fluids Engineering Division Summer Meeting. Volume 1C, Symposia: Gas-Liquid Two-Phase Flows; Industrial and Environmental Applications of Fluid Mechanics; Issues and Perspectives in Automotive Flows; Liquid-Solids Flows; Multiscale Methods for Multiphase Flow; Noninvasive Measurements in Single and Multiphase Flows; Numerical Methods for Multiphase Flow; Transport Phenomena in Energy Conversion From Clean and Sustainable Resources; Transport Phenomena in Materials Processing and Manufacturing Processes; Transport Phenomena in Mixing; Turbulent Flows: Issues and Perspectives. Incline Village, Nevada, USA. July 7–11, 2013. V01CT26A001. ASME.
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