Solutions obtained from lifting-line, vortex-lattice, and the Euler equations are presented for a series of rigid, thin wing and sail geometries. Initial calculations were performed for an untwisted, rectangular wing. For this case, lifting line theory, vortex lattice, and Euler solutions were all in reasonable agreement. However, the lifting-line theory was the only method to predict a constant ratio of induced drag coefficient to lift coefficient squared. Similar results were found for a forward-swept, tapered wing. Additional results are presented in terms of lift and drag coefficients for an isolated mainsail, and mainsail/jib combinations with sails representative of both a standard and tall rig Catalina 27. Although experimental data is lacking, overall conclusions are that the accuracy realized from lifting-line solutions is as good as or better than that obtained from vortex-lattice solutions and inviscid CFD solutions, but at a fraction of the computational cost. The linear lifting-line results compared quite well with the nonlinear lifting-line results, with the exception of the downstream mainsail when considering jib/mainsail combinations.

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