The patented vertical-axis wind turbines for distributed applications have been developed. The wind turbine system is very efficient in terms of the power-to-swept area and works very quiet even for the installation near houses and buildings and in other applications where traditional, three-blade, horizontal axis turbines are not suitable. The technology behind the new VAWT having twin rotors lies in its guided turbine design which combines inlet-guide vanes, a top-guide vane, and an impulse-type rotor. Its functional assembly makes it unique from all the Savonius rotors or their derivatives. To minimize the inertia effect of yawing system for frequent wind direction change, the twin-rotor turbine is designed to align with the wind direction by a stabilizing tail. The objective of this study is to test a 5 kW, twin-rotor VAWT installed at the Kansas site in terms of the performance, noise level, safety, and durability. The twin-rotor, WindJet turbine of the rated capacity of 5 kW resulted in an annual capacity of 26% or more at average wind speed of 6m/s, and a turbine efficiency of 50% or more.

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