Particle image velocimetry is applied to measurement of airflows around three types of permeable circular cylinders. The experimental model of the permeable cylinder is made of squared meshed sheet rolled in circle. Water mist smoke is used as air tracer, which is generated with dry ice in a chamber to produce fine spatial density fluctuation for guaranteeing the PIV quality. Since the flow involves fluctuation in a very wide wavenumber from the cylinder size to mesh-dependent eddies, calculating brightness spectrum quantitatively assesses the smoke image quality. The experiment is carried out in an open type wind tunnel. The following results are obtained when the measurement results are compared to those of a solid cylinder. 1: The flow just behind the cylinder has forward velocity due to the permeability while the solid cylinder has reverse flow in the wake. This feature relaxes near field excitation of Karman vortex shedding. 2: The reattachment point behind the cylinder displaces several times as the solid case. As a result of the above two phenomena, the peak potion of the turbulence energy appears in the far downstream region as the permeability of the cylinder increases.

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