The Lagrangian vortex method developed by Chen and Marshall [1] for two-way coupled two-phase flow simulation of (cloud of) solid particles is revisited in this paper. The algorithm attempts to merge the best attributes of the Lagrangian and two-fluid continuum models into one by applying the Lagrangian conservation of momentum simultaneously with the conservation of the concentration field along the trajectories of the particle clouds. In this paper, a consistent implementation is proposed, which is considerably less complicated and computationally more stable than the original formulation. In particular, it is shown that when a smooth particle representation of the concentration field is used, the Lagrangian conservation of particle momentum automatically satisfies conservation of the concentration field. This implies that the evaluation of the concentration field becomes a post-processing exercise as is common with the traditional Lagrangian (solid) particle method, although the new method yields much smoother concentration fields. In this paper the formulation for the modified approach, as well as results from basic benchmark tests are presented.

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