A computational study of sonic jet injection into a supersonic crossflow with and without combustion was performed. The gaseous injector was 3.226 mm in diameter and was injected 30 degrees to the horizontal. Simulated conditions involved sonic injection of hydrogen into a Mach 4 air cross-stream with a jet to freestream momentum flux ratio of 2.1. The numerical flow solver used was GASP v. 4.2. The inviscid fluxes were computed in three dimensions using third-order Roe Flux in the streamwise and lateral directions and third-order Van Leer flux in the vertical direction. The algorithms were chosen because of their robustness, shock resolution capabilities and efficiency. The Mentor Supersonic Transport (SST) turbulence model was used since the algorithm has good capability of solving both wall-bounded and free-shear flows. The reaction model used for hydrogen and air was a 9 species, 18 reactions model created by Drummond. The main results of this work can be summarized as: 1) modeling of combustion does not significantly alter the mixing behavior of the solution, 2) the size of the fuel plume is larger for the analysis which includes reacting flow, 3) the difference in size and shape of the plume between the reacting and non-reacting cases increases with downstream distance from injection.

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