A subsonic, viscous, laminar flow and heat transfer is simulated in the present study over a two-dimensional, isothermal, bluff-body representing a turbine blade leading-edge. The purpose of this simulation is to predict local Frossling number; to determine the accuracy of the predictions as compared to experimental results, and to compare the results from two flow solvers, Fluent and Cobalt. The geometry consists of a half-cylinder of diameter 8.89 cm and a flat after-body, and represents to the model used in the corresponding experimental investigations. The simulations are performed on a multi-block, hybrid grid topology developed using GridGen as the grid generation software. Researchers have earlier investigated heat transfer over a similar model. Utilizing computational modeling techniques, a representative simulation of the physical flow mechanism enables further investigation into the characteristics of the flow. The boundary conditions for the problem are identified as no-slip and isothermal on the bluff body, and uniform velocity is assumed at the inlet. Results are presented in the form of the Frossling number, defined as the Nusselt number divided by the square root of Reynolds number. The results are compared with published experimental data for the experimental geometry described earlier, and the cross-flow-cylinder, to assess the validity of the numerical approaches.

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