Large Eddy Simulation (LES) technique is applied to investigate the Soot formation in a model cylindrical combustor. Gaseous propane (C3H8) is injected through a circular nozzle attached at the centre of the combustor inlet and preheated air with temperature of 773K is supplied through the annulus surrounding of the nozzle. The non-premixed combustion process is based on the conserved scalar approach with laminar flamelet model, while the Soot formation is included through the balance equations for soot mass fraction and soot particle density. In LES the governing equations are filtered using a spatial filtering approach to separate the flow field into large scale eddies and small scale eddies. The large scale eddies which contain most of the turbulent energy are resolved explicitly while the unresolved small scale eddies are modelled via sub-grid scale (SGS) modelling approach.

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