The main objective of our work is to develop direct numerical simulation tools for the primary break up of a jet. Results can help to determine closure relation in the ELSA model [1] which is based on a single-phase Eulerian model and on the transport equation for the mean liquid/gas interface density in turbulent flows. DNS simulations are carried out to obtain statistical information in the dense zone of the spray where nearly no experimental data are available. The numerical method should describe the interface motion precisely, handle jump conditions at the interface without artificial smoothing, and respect mass conservation. We develop a 3D code [2], where interface tracking is ensured by Level Set method, Ghost Fluid Method [3] is used to capture accurately sharp discontinuities, and coupling between Level Set and VOF methods is used for mass conservation [4]. Turbulent inflow boundary conditions are generated through correlated random velocities with a prescribed length scale. Specific care has been devoted to improve computing time with MPI parallelization. The numerical methods have been applied to investigate physical processes that are involved in the primary break up of an atomizing jet. The chosen configuration is close as possible of Diesel injection (Diameter D = 0.1 mm, Velocity = 100m/s, Liquid density = 696kg/m3, Gas density = 25kg/m3). Typical results will be presented. From the injector nozzle, the turbulence initiates some perturbations on the liquid surface, that are enhanced by the mean shear between the liquid jet and the surrounding air. The interface becomes very wrinkled and some break-up is initiated. The induced liquid parcels show a wide range of shapes. Statistics are carried out and results will be provided for liquid volume fraction, liquid/gas interface density, and turbulent correlations.

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