We studied the air bubble behavhiour in viscous flows. A one-way coupling model was developed, based on lagrangian method. In order to validate this model, experiments were carried out. Our experimental installation was based on shadow visualization method. Bubbles were introduced in a transparent Plexiglas tank filling with viscous fluid (e.g. silicon oil) and were illuminated by diffused lights. In order to reconstruct 3D-trajectories, two video cameras, orthogonally placed, took pictures of shape bubbles and a post treatment of images acquired allowed us to determine the position of the center and the radius of each bubble. Thus, from this information of each plane, we could determine the 3D parameters of bubbles. Superluminescent LEDs with different wave-lengths were used as light sources. The choice of the wavelengths for each plane illumination and the selection of appropriated RGB filter of CCD sensor allowed us to prevent dissymmetry of bubble shape which was due to parasitic orthogonal illumination. Numerical results agree with experimental data.

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