In this study, the influence of surface roughness in the prediction of the mean flow and turbulent properties of a high-speed supersonic (M = 2.9, Re/m = 2.0e7) turbulent boundary layer flow over a flat plate is performed using the k-ω and the stress-ω models. Six wall topologies, including a smooth and five rough surfaces consisting of three random sand-grain plates and two uniformly machined plates were tested. Experimental data are available for these configurations. It is observed that, for smooth surface, both k-ω and stress-ω models perform remarkably well in predicting the mean flow and turbulent quantities in supersonic flow. For rough surfaces, both models matched the experimental data profiles fairly well for lower values of the roughness height. Overall, the k-ω model performed better than the stress-ω model. The stress-ω model did not show any strong advantages to make up for the extra computational cost associated with a Reynolds stress model. The simulation results indicated that the prescription for the surface boundary conditions for ω in both models, especially for the stress-ω model, need to be refined encountering high roughness numbers and reconsidered to include the geometric factor.

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