The experimental data which will be presented in this paper are the results of the comparison between different methods for evaluating damaged surfaces by cavitation erosion. The different methods are partly working in the initial stage of cavitation erosion and partly at developed cavitation erosion, where mass loss occurs. The used test rig consists basically of a rotating disc with a diameter of 500 mm on which four holes are located. Each hole generates a cavitation zone while the disc is rotating. The test objects are material specimens made of copper. Copper was used as test material in respect to reasonable durations for the tests. The specimen can be implemented in the casing of the test rig directly across the rotating disc on the diameter where the holes are located. This rotating disc test rig generates a very aggressive type of cavitation, so that mass loss, of course depending on the tested material, will appear after relatively short durations. Also the initial stage of cavitation erosion can be observed. The used test rig is very interesting regarding the possibility to apply different measuring techniques to characterize the erosive aggressiveness of cavitation. These techniques are at first the so-called Pitcount-Method, which allows investigations of cavitation erosion in the initial stage. The second one is an acoustic method, which is based on a structure-borne noise sensor and a specially developed signal processing system. The third method is the measuring of mass loss of the material specimen after several time steps. With the help of a CCD-camera and special digital image processing software, images of different cavitation conditions were recorded. The information obtained from these images should serve as support for the evaluation of the other used methods. After the evaluation with the above mentioned methods, the specimens were evaluated with a special device which works with the help of a white light interferometer. With this evaluation method three-dimensional information can be obtained in respect to the actually eroded volume of the specimens. With this information the lost mass of the specimens could be calculated directly. Especially the comparison of the results obtained from the Pitcount-Method, which is a two-dimensional evaluation method, and the three-dimensional results of the white light interferometer is an important point of the work within this paper.

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