A flow around a three-dimensional bluff body such as an automobile sometimes exhibits a bi-stable state wherein two stable flow states exist for a single condition. Better aerodynamic characteristics can be obtained if we suppress or promote the flow state change between such bi-stable states. Hence, it is necessary to understand the trigger conditions and process of the flow state change. In this study, we investigated the transient aerodynamics of the Ahmed model with the slant angle of 32°, exceeding the critical angle of 30°, known to exhibit bi-stable state under crosswind conditions. Changing the Yaw angle by rotating the model, produced change in the flow state, accompanied by time delay. While continuously measuring fluid force, we performed PIV measurement triggered by a sudden change in fluid dynamic force corresponding to the flow state change. Using these methods, we realized the synchronous measurement of the fluid force and wake flow during the flow state change. At the beginning of the flow state change, flow velocity changed around the trailing edge of the slant surface. Subsequently, the separated flow above the slant surface increased. A gradual decrease of drag coefficient was observed before the flow state change though flow behavior associated with the drag change was not observed in the velocity field of PIV measurement.