
This study investigated nearwake behaviors around flapping wings moving sideways. A dynamically scaled-up flapping manipulator was installed on a servo-driven towing carriage to give the sideways movement. In the single wing configuration, the wing in the windward side did not encounter any noticeable effects on the aerodynamic characteristics. The wing in the leeward side, on the other hand, experienced a substantial lift augmentation. We found a stretched leading-edge vortex (LEV) on the wing in the leeward side, implying the additional feeding flux into the LEV. In this case, the moving sideways gave a continuous lateral wind, which became the source to maintain the lift augmentation with the less downward component. We also found that the moving sideways rather intensified the interaction between the wake of the wing in the windward side and the contralateral wing, i.e., the wing-wake interaction. Accordingly, the lift augmentation on the wing in the leeward side practically disappeared by the wing-wake interaction. A digital particle image velocimetry for nearwake behaviors found the less developed trailing-edge shear layer and wingroot vortex traces. This implied that the massive downwash induced by the wing in the windward side was the main source to neutralize the lift augmentation on the contralateral wing.

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