Uncinectomy and middle meatal antrostomy (MMA) in the maxillary sinus surgery mainly affects the airflow pattern in this sinus. The aim of the present work was to analyze the effect of this surgery on the heating and humidifying function of the nose. A series of CT scan images of a healthy male volunteer was used and a computational model for the human nasal airway including nasal cavity and maxillary sinuses was developed. Then, uncinectomy and MMA was performed virtually on the CT images on a single nasal passage and associated maxillary sinus. The continuity, momentum, energy and moisture transport equations were solved numerically. In particular, a thermal model for evaluating the temperature and moisture distribution on the mucus surface covering the walls of the nasal airway was developed. A steady breathing flow rate related to the rest conditions was investigated, where different relative humidity levels for the ambient air were considered. The airflow pattern, temperature and moisture concentration contours for pre- and post-surgery cases were evaluated and their differences were discussed.

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