The blade number of pump guide vane is an important factor that affects hydraulic characteristics of the pumping system, since the diffusion angle after the impeller is larger than as usual. It is necessary to pay more attention for its calculation and analysis. By CFD method the numeric simulation was conducted to a bulb tubular pump with different guide vane blades and the three dimensional flow fields within whole passage of pumping system was obtained. There are five different number of guide vane blades (4 blades, 5 blades, 7 blades, 8 blades and improved 5 blades) selected for the simulation and performance prediction. The influences of the guide vanes numbers on the system performance are analyzed. The hydraulic losses increases with the increase of the number of guide vane blades while the efficiency of pumping system is not fully comply with this relationship. The system efficiency for which 5 guide vanes were adopted is higher than others with different number of guide vane blades; also the velocity and the pressure distribution of flow fields are more uniform. The system efficiency for which 5 improved guide vanes is the highest with lowest hydraulic losses. The recommended alternative of guide vane is presented for the pump impeller.

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