Particles on the plate vibrated by ultrasonic were gathered on the node of vibration plate. Similar to this phenomenon, if two plates are set with parallel, a plate is vibrated by ultrasonic and acoustic pressure distribution is produced between the vibration and reflection plate, nano-sized particles might be collected from the air flow and air is cleaned. Although ultrasonic was applied for the liquid and remove particles, but this has not been researched for air. Then the purpose of this study is to calculate the acoustic pressure distribution between the vibration and reflection plate by using CFD, and investigate the nano-sized particle motion in acoustic pressure distribution. When standing wave between plates is calculated, acoustic wave generated by ultrasonic vibration was reflected at the reflection plate. In the case of CFD, standing wave could not be calculated because these waves disclaim each other and wave generated by a plate doesn’t reach at the other plate. Therefore acoustic wave is also produced at reflection plate, duplicate these waves from vibration and reflection plates, and standing wave between plates were obtained. About investigation for the nano-sized particle motion in acoustic pressure distribution, particles were injected into calculation domain. Particles which have the same diameter and density with influenza virus were applied in this calculation. Examination of particle’s motion and efficient condition on dust catch were calculated in case of changing parameter, for example, amplitude and frequency of vibration plate, velocity of flowing particles, concentration of particles in the flow and so on.

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