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Proceedings Papers

Volume 1A, Symposia: Turbomachinery Flow Simulation and Optimization; Applications in CFD; Bio-Inspired and Bio-Medical Fluid Mechanics; CFD Verification and Validation; Development and Applications of Immersed Boundary Methods; DNS, LES and Hybrid RANS/LES Methods; Fluid Machinery; Fluid-Structure Interaction and Flow-Induced Noise in Industrial Applications; Flow Applications in Aerospace; Active Fluid Dynamics and Flow Control — Theory, Experiments and Implementation

17th Symposium on Turbomachinery Flow Simulation and Optimization

Symposium on Applications in CFD

7th Symposium on Bio-Inspired and Bio-Medical Fluid Mechanics

86th Symposium on CFD Verification and Validation

Symposium on Development and Applications of Immersed Boundary Methods

11th Symposium on DNS, LES and Hybrid RANS/LES Methods

28th Symposium on Fluid Machinery

17th International Symposium on Fluid-Structure Interaction and Flow-Induced Noise in Industrial Applications

10th International Symposium on Flow Applications in Aerospace

11th Symposium on Active Fluid Dynamics and Flow Control — Theory, Experiments and Implementation

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