The paper introduced a real time simulation model of 450 t/h circulating fluidized bed boiler (CFBB) combustion system and its development method in detail. It is an important part model of operator training purpose simulator, which is for Baoding Thermal Power Plant, Hebei, China. The simulation model is created with the support of STAR-90™ Simulation software, and developed by way of engineering modular modeling (EMM) method. It is mainly composed by 4 model blocks, i.e. PRECMBST, FBC2, CYCLONE and JVLV, which stand for gas duct combustor under the bed, furnace combustor, cyclone gas separator, and loop seal valve in the CFBB respectively. The simulation results indicated that the model could properly reflect the dynamic and static characteristics of the combustion system of the CFBB. It not only can be used for training simulators, but also for system optimum design and control system analysis.

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