This paper deals with the prediction of ash related problems in fluidized bed boilers during co-firing of various bio-fuels. A study was performed where the slagging and fouling behavior was monitored in three different sized bubbling fluidized bed combustors, a 20 kW semi-pilot reactor, a 2 MW pilot-scale device and a 105 MW full-scale boiler. The aim of the study was to learn about how well slagging and fouling in a small-scale device compares to a full-scale boiler and to see how well the slagging and fouling can be predicted with a small-scale device. Various types of Scandinavian bio-fuels as well as peat were used both separately and mixed. From all three devices ash and deposit samples were collected during as uniform and stable conditions as possible. The fuels used in the three devices during the test campaigns were carefully chosen so that they would be as similar as possible. Bed, furnace and flue gas temperatures were monitored as well as flue gas emissions. The fuels, ashes and deposits were analyzed on their main components and deposition rates were calculated based on the deposit measurements. These data were finally used for assessing the slagging and fouling propensity of the fired fuel. The paper compares and discusses the results from the three different size classes.

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