It has to be the vision of an international oil and gas exploration and production company to explore for and produce oil and gas in the most economically efficient, social responsible and environmentally acceptable way. Based on this aim and due to the fact that Austria is a country with a environmental awareness and a high tourism level, OMV as the leading domestic oil and gas company had to elaborate strategies for the benefit of the company, its employees and shareholders, but also for the benefit of local communities maintaining the image of a healthy, clean and relaxing environment. The paper describes the different ways of implementing environmentally relevant technique and strategies beginning with exploration process and ending with the monitoring of oilfield wastes. Case histories demonstrate the concept of converting onshore drilling projects into action in environmentally sensitive regions using the idea of “ecological compensation”. Further a new technology of water treatment based on “microbiological clarification” is shown. With the new water treatment technology a valuable contribution to the protection of environment could be shared by OMV, because this method works without any application of biocides. Finally, innovative methods of calculating the risk potential of oilfield deposits using micro-geophysical surveys are illustrated. This measuring practice takes care of the electric resistivity contrast between oilfield deposits to its surrounding, so that any leakage can be observed immediately due to the change of electric resistivity profile. Generally the paper has the goal to illustrate acceptable ways to meet the environmental sensitivities of communities and authorities.

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