
The purpose of this tool, Rapid Web Application Generator (RWAG), is to allow a user to create a database-driven web application without the knowledge of DBMS and server-side programming. RWAG automatically generates database definitions and ASP pages for manipulating the data. The advantages of using RWAG are as follows: first, a user can create web applications in minutes without ever having to write any code (no need to know ASP, Perl, or Java); secondly, an advanced user can leverage his knowledge of ASP, Perl, Java, JavaScript, HTML, XML and DBMS to expand and customize the web application; thirdly, RWAG allows a user to own a record in the database, which means a record can only be edited by the user who creates it; finally, RWAG provides multiple user access levels. RWAG is ideal for a group of users to share information on the web.

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