Shanghai is the largest city of elevators in the world with 165000 elevators and escalators. According to latest research, elevators typically account for about 3% to 8% of the overall electricity consumption of a building. Therefore, it is significantly to study the energy efficiency of elevators in Shanghai. However, elevators have received little attention from an efficiency perspective in the past. To recover this gap, this paper analyses classification method on energy efficiency of elevators in Shanghai and suggests policy measures for energy conservation. First, Representative elevators in Shanghai were collected as research objects; second, a new energy efficiency classification method was established on the modification of VDI4707 according to actual situations in China, then, energy consumption of these elevators were measured and classified according to the new method. Finally, the influence factors of elevator energy efficiency were studied, and suggestion on the improvement of the energy efficiency of elevators in Shanghai was given.
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ASME 2014 12th Biennial Conference on Engineering Systems Design and Analysis
July 25–27, 2014
Copenhagen, Denmark
Conference Sponsors:
- International
Measurement and Analysis on Energy Efficiency of Elevators in Shanghai
Wu Hao,
Wu Hao
Shanghai Institute of Special Equipment Inspection and Technical Research, Shanghai, China
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Chang Xiaoqing,
Chang Xiaoqing
Shanghai Institute of Special Equipment Inspection and Technical Research, Shanghai, China
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Xue Jiai
Xue Jiai
Shanghai Institute of Special Equipment Inspection and Technical Research, Shanghai, China
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Wu Hao
Shanghai Institute of Special Equipment Inspection and Technical Research, Shanghai, China
Chang Xiaoqing
Shanghai Institute of Special Equipment Inspection and Technical Research, Shanghai, China
Xue Jiai
Shanghai Institute of Special Equipment Inspection and Technical Research, Shanghai, China
Paper No:
ESDA2014-20342, V002T09A014; 7 pages
Published Online:
October 23, 2014
Hao, W, Xiaoqing, C, & Jiai, X. "Measurement and Analysis on Energy Efficiency of Elevators in Shanghai." Proceedings of the ASME 2014 12th Biennial Conference on Engineering Systems Design and Analysis. Volume 2: Dynamics, Vibration and Control; Energy; Fluids Engineering; Micro and Nano Manufacturing. Copenhagen, Denmark. July 25–27, 2014. V002T09A014. ASME.
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