The outstanding characteristics of polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) caused its extensive use as base material to manufacture microfluidic devices. PDMS has numerous advantages coming from instinct properties such as its low cost, simple fabrication procedure, and robust nature that make it a compatible material in many applications such as biological and biomedical engineering. In spite of favorable physical and chemical properties, hydrophobic surface of PDMS is sometimes debatable. Because of PDMS is highly hydrophobic, pumping aqueous solution through microchannels using only capillary forces might be difficult. Although many surface treatments methods have been proposed to modify and increase the hydrophilicity of PDMS [Oxygen plasma [1], UV-radiation [2], Silanization and Chemical vapour deposition [3],…], the use of surfactants is the most effective and easiest method to overcome the hydrophobicity compared to more complex protocols which require expensive facilities [4,5]. The hydrophilic behavior of surfactant-added PDMS and especially its biocompatibility has allowed many microfluidic bio-applications such as separation of biomolecules [6,7], blood cell separation [8] and cell-based assay [9,10]. This paper discusses about the efficiency of adding different surfactants on the wettability of PDMS.

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