Hybrid laminated composites are gaining increasing popularity in applications where improved mechanical properties as well as reduced weight and cost are desired. However, the highly nonlinear nature of the governing equations and the combination of continuous and discrete design variables has rendered the problem a challenging one. This paper implements the nature-inspired method of continuous ant colony optimization (ACOR) for hybrid laminates comprising high-stiffness graphite/epoxy and low-stiffness glass/epoxy. The number of surface and core layers and their layouts (discrete) as well as the fiber angles in each layer (continuous) form the design variable set; whereas the composite’s fundamental frequency and cost (to be maximized and minimized, respectively) are taken as the objective functions. Comparison of the results with those reported in the literature having used standard discrete fiber angles and implemented methods such as the ant colony system (ACS) and GA, indicates a clear improvement in the values of the objective functions for the majority of the studied cases. It is nonetheless recommended that, for practical purposes, the closest standard fiber angles to the optimal values be adopted (a procedure generally being used but not proven to be optimal), as the corresponding deviations would be negligible.
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ASME 2010 10th Biennial Conference on Engineering Systems Design and Analysis
July 12–14, 2010
Istanbul, Turkey
Conference Sponsors:
- International
Multi-Objective Optimal Design of Hybrid Laminates Using Continuous Ant Colony Method
Mahdi Abachizadeh,
Mahdi Abachizadeh
University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran
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Masoud Shariatpanahi,
Masoud Shariatpanahi
University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran
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Aghil Yousefi-Koma,
Aghil Yousefi-Koma
University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran
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Ahmad Feiz Dizaji
Ahmad Feiz Dizaji
University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran
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Mahdi Abachizadeh
University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran
Masoud Shariatpanahi
University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran
Aghil Yousefi-Koma
University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran
Ahmad Feiz Dizaji
University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran
Paper No:
ESDA2010-24324, pp. 371-378; 8 pages
Published Online:
December 28, 2010
Abachizadeh, M, Shariatpanahi, M, Yousefi-Koma, A, & Dizaji, AF. "Multi-Objective Optimal Design of Hybrid Laminates Using Continuous Ant Colony Method." Proceedings of the ASME 2010 10th Biennial Conference on Engineering Systems Design and Analysis. ASME 2010 10th Biennial Conference on Engineering Systems Design and Analysis, Volume 4. Istanbul, Turkey. July 12–14, 2010. pp. 371-378. ASME. https://doi.org/10.1115/ESDA2010-24324
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