In this study, the cooling performance of a flash pumped laser using Nd:YAG was investigated. The examined system is used to cool down the laser head of a range finder device where heat is produced. Three dimensional CFD model for the examined system was generated and the results were verified by using experimental study. The transient approach and k-epsilon turbulence model were used during the computational analysis. It was realized that the result were in good consistency. At the end of the verification, it is found that the use of extended surfaces on the heat sink does not enhance the heat transfer from the surface in 3 minutes during transient phase because of low thermal diffusivity of titanium material and the undesired high temperature values were seen. Then the cooling system was modified. As a result more reliable cooling system is developed. The enlargement of the liquid flow channels increases the heat transfer and reduces the heat sink temperatures with addition of negligible pressure drop.

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