The energy crisis in the last two decades has turned the attention of scientific and engineering communities to redesigned and developed heat-fluid interaction systems. All of the details in analyses are reconsidered to reduce energy consumption. The present work examines the effects of temperature and velocity jump conditions on heat transfer, fluid flow over a single rotating disk. The flow due to rotating disks is of great interest in thermal engineering as it appears in many industrial and engineering applications such as gas turbine engines and micropumps. The related equation of flow, which is nonlinear and coupled, and heat transfer governing equations are reduced to ordinary differential equations by applying the so-called classical approach which was first introduced by Von Karman. Instead of this approach, a pure numerical one, the recently developed popular semi numerical analytical technique differential transform method (DTM), with Benton transformation, is employed to solve the reduced governing equations under the assumptions of velocity-slip and temperature jump conditions on the disk surface. The solution is valid for continuum and slip-flow regime which has a Knudsen number smaller than 0.1. The results attained for various physical cases are interpreted by using non-dimensional parameters related to flow and temperature fields. Velocity and temperature profiles are presented graphically. The effect of various parameters such as the Knudsen Number (Kn), Reynolds Number (Re) and Nusselt Numbers (Nu) are examined. The observed physical consequences are the velocity slip and temperature jump at the wall becoming strongly dependant on the Knudsen number. It is also observed that the temperature jump and velocity jump conditions have nonlinear effects on slip; these effects are investigated with great details and presented graphically.

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