In this study, a computer program is developed to design and compare gasketed plate heat exchangers with double pipe heat exchangers. The computer program is coded in MATLAB. The user interface of the program is prepared in MATLAB Guide. The program uses hot and cold fluid properties as input data and calculates the characteristics of gasketed plate heat exchangers and double pipe heat exchangers designed for the given conditions. The outputs for gasketed plate heat exchanger design include number of plates, effective area, total heat transfer coefficient, pressure losses, pumping power and cost, whereas, the outputs for double pipe heat exchanger selection are: pump power, total number of hairpins, effective area, pressure drop, total heat transfer coefficient and cost. Correlations selected from literature are used in the program for the analysis. Water is selected as the working fluid to be able to make the comparison. The program compares the heat exchangers based on cost, effective area, and pumping power. The computer program is also used to understand and compare operational behaviors of these two heat exchangers under different operating conditions.
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ASME 2010 10th Biennial Conference on Engineering Systems Design and Analysis
July 12–14, 2010
Istanbul, Turkey
Conference Sponsors:
- International
Comparison of Gasketed Plate Heat Exchangers With Double Pipe Heat Exchangers
Cankur Firat Cetinbas,
Cankur Firat Cetinbas
TOBB University of Economics and Technology, Ankara, Turkey
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Burak Ahmet Tuna,
Burak Ahmet Tuna
TOBB University of Economics and Technology, Ankara, Turkey
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Cevat Akin,
Cevat Akin
TOBB University of Economics and Technology, Ankara, Turkey
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Selin Aradag,
Selin Aradag
TOBB University of Economics and Technology, Ankara, Turkey
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Nilay Sezer Uzol
Nilay Sezer Uzol
TOBB University of Economics and Technology, Ankara, Turkey
Search for other works by this author on:
Cankur Firat Cetinbas
TOBB University of Economics and Technology, Ankara, Turkey
Burak Ahmet Tuna
TOBB University of Economics and Technology, Ankara, Turkey
Cevat Akin
TOBB University of Economics and Technology, Ankara, Turkey
Selin Aradag
TOBB University of Economics and Technology, Ankara, Turkey
Nilay Sezer Uzol
TOBB University of Economics and Technology, Ankara, Turkey
Paper No:
ESDA2010-24712, pp. 643-651; 9 pages
Published Online:
December 28, 2010
Cetinbas, CF, Tuna, BA, Akin, C, Aradag, S, & Sezer Uzol, N. "Comparison of Gasketed Plate Heat Exchangers With Double Pipe Heat Exchangers." Proceedings of the ASME 2010 10th Biennial Conference on Engineering Systems Design and Analysis. ASME 2010 10th Biennial Conference on Engineering Systems Design and Analysis, Volume 2. Istanbul, Turkey. July 12–14, 2010. pp. 643-651. ASME.
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