The dynamic behaviour of heavy, horizontal axis, rotating shaft-lines affected by transverse cracks can be analysed in the frequency domain by a quasi linear approach, using a simplified breathing crack model applied to a traditional finite element model of the shaft-line. This allows to perform a series of analyses with affordable efforts. The analysis of the modelling procedure allows to define an approximated approach for simulating the dynamical behaviour, which allows to predict the severity of the crack excited vibrations, combined to modal analysis. this answers to the old-age question on how deep a crack must be to be detected by means of vibration measurements. The model of a 320 MW turbo-generator group has been used to perform a numerical sensitivity analysis, in which the vibrations of the shaft-line, and more in detail the vibrations of the shafts in correspondence to the bearings, have been calculated for all possible positions of the crack along the shaftline and for two different values of the depth of the crack. The calculated results confirm the predicted behaviour.

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