The kinematic hardening theory of plasticity based on the Prager model and incremental isotropic damage is used to evaluate the cyclic loading behavior of a beam under the axial, bending, and thermal loads. This allows damage to be path-dependent. The damage and inelastic deformation are incorporated and they are used for the analysis of the beam. The beam material is assumed to follow linear strain hardening property coupled with isotropic damage. The material strain hardening curves in tension and compression are assumed to be both identical for the isotropic material. Computational aspects of rate independent model is discussed and the constitutive equation of the rate independent plasticity coupled with the damage model are decomposed into the elastic, plastic and damage parts. Return Mapping Algorithm method is used for the correction of the elastoplastic state and for the damage model the algorithm is used according to the governed damage constitutive relation. The effect of the damage phenomenon coupled with the elastoplastic kinematic hardening is studied for deformation and load control loadings.
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ASME 8th Biennial Conference on Engineering Systems Design and Analysis
July 4–7, 2006
Torino, Italy
Cyclic Loading of Beams Based on Kinematics Hardening Behavior Coupled With Isotropic Damage
Ali Nayebi,
Ali Nayebi
Shahid Chamran University, Ahvaz, Iran
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Kourosh H. Shirazi
Kourosh H. Shirazi
Shahid Chamran University, Ahvaz, Iran
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Ali Nayebi
Shahid Chamran University, Ahvaz, Iran
Kourosh H. Shirazi
Shahid Chamran University, Ahvaz, Iran
Paper No:
ESDA2006-95239, pp. 81-88; 8 pages
Published Online:
September 5, 2008
Nayebi, A, & Shirazi, KH. "Cyclic Loading of Beams Based on Kinematics Hardening Behavior Coupled With Isotropic Damage." Proceedings of the ASME 8th Biennial Conference on Engineering Systems Design and Analysis. Volume 4: Fatigue and Fracture, Heat Transfer, Internal Combustion Engines, Manufacturing, and Technology and Society. Torino, Italy. July 4–7, 2006. pp. 81-88. ASME.
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