This paper details the current research on size tolerances of component parts machined through peripheral end milling using a prototype simulation software for virtual end milling based on previously reported cutting force and surface generation models. Firstly, the simulation software was employed for predicting the size tolerances of a prismatic component by varying one controllable variable at a time and then, the relationship between the size tolerance and the variable changed was monitored. When a distinct relationship was noted it was verified both analytically and experimentally. The results indicated that while the average size variation, which contributed to the variation of the basic size of component parts, was always proportional to the metal removal rate, the range of size variations that contributed to the size tolerance was not. Thus, there is scope for increasing the metal removal rate without sacrificing the size tolerances. The knowledge acquired through this research can be applied for selecting an optimum cutting condition using the simulation software when the size tolerances of component parts are specified.

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