A simulation method enabling simultaneous prediction of dynamic behavior and stress distribution on an individual element has been developed for durability evaluation of dynamic strength of metal pushing V-belts. The finite-element-method that enables contact analyses in time history with large-scale model was adopted to reproduce the dynamic behavior of the V-belt in high rotational speed range of CVT. This paper focuses on the element strength in actual CVT operation, and also discusses modifications made to the previously reported simulation method to enable the prediction of detailed stress. A new technique named inertia-relief is introduced, which does not require the application of constraint conditions when calculating the detailed stress on element in respectively. This results in allowing the stress distribution on any element to be found at any position on the trajectory of the V-belt and the elastic deformation of the element to be identified. Using this technique, it has been found that the stress on the necks of elements at the entrance and exit of the pulleys affects the dynamic strength of the V-belt. Furthermore, a method of evaluating this stress was also determined. In addition, consideration was given to the effect of the elements tail side concave shape on the dynamic strength of the V-belt.

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