The development of a remotely operated, Co-Robotic Positioning Device (CRPD) for instrumental backing and optimal base position to robotic arms in tele-surgery is discussed. To optimise the setting of robotic operating rooms (ROR) by reducing the structures’ size around the patient and by selecting task-driven layouts, the design of a hanging servo-carrier coming from the ceiling is chosen, rather than a device located on the floor. The present study prospects a split-duty approach, distinguishing the Co-Robotic Positioning Device, CRPD, from the front-end effectors, each subsystem hierarchically controlled by remote location, in keeping with optimal protocols. The attention is focused on the slave-carrier, to establish an optimal design of the CRPD, based on the characteristics of robotic effectors and the surgical task. The CRPD is conceived to support (up to four) robotic effectors, each one equipped with proper tools (endoscope, scalpels, scissors, suture needles, etc.). The CRPD, actually, by optimally positioning the robotic arms, avoids the need of manual deployment, in current setups often necessary to avoid singularities or collisions. The Automatic Changing Device for Surgical Tools, ACD-ST, is another significant device of the conceived slave-carrier. It allows the tele-operating surgeon to change the tools (scalpels, scissors, etc.) by a direct command from his console. Example applications aim at ticklish endoscopic/tomic operations that require high accuracy with low involved forces such as cardio-thoracic-surgery, abdominal surgery, spine-surgery, microsurgery (neurosurgery, hand-surgery, ophthalmic-surgery, ear-nose-throat surgery), say, the typical domains of MIRS, where robotic surgery is quickly expanding.
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ASME 8th Biennial Conference on Engineering Systems Design and Analysis
July 4–7, 2006
Torino, Italy
A Co-Robotic Positioning Device for Carrying Surgical End-Effectors
Silvia Frumento,
Silvia Frumento
University of Genova, Genova, Italy
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Rinaldo C. Michelini,
Rinaldo C. Michelini
University of Genova, Genova, Italy
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Rainer Konietschke,
Rainer Konietschke
German Aerospace Center, Weßling, Germany
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Ulrich Hagn,
Ulrich Hagn
German Aerospace Center, Weßling, Germany
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Tobias Ortmaier,
Tobias Ortmaier
German Aerospace Center, Weßling, Germany
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Gerd Hirzinger
Gerd Hirzinger
German Aerospace Center, Weßling, Germany
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Silvia Frumento
University of Genova, Genova, Italy
Rinaldo C. Michelini
University of Genova, Genova, Italy
Rainer Konietschke
German Aerospace Center, Weßling, Germany
Ulrich Hagn
German Aerospace Center, Weßling, Germany
Tobias Ortmaier
German Aerospace Center, Weßling, Germany
Gerd Hirzinger
German Aerospace Center, Weßling, Germany
Paper No:
ESDA2006-95308, pp. 477-486; 10 pages
Published Online:
September 5, 2008
Frumento, S, Michelini, RC, Konietschke, R, Hagn, U, Ortmaier, T, & Hirzinger, G. "A Co-Robotic Positioning Device for Carrying Surgical End-Effectors." Proceedings of the ASME 8th Biennial Conference on Engineering Systems Design and Analysis. Volume 2: Automotive Systems, Bioengineering and Biomedical Technology, Fluids Engineering, Maintenance Engineering and Non-Destructive Evaluation, and Nanotechnology. Torino, Italy. July 4–7, 2006. pp. 477-486. ASME.
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