For the purpose of constructing the backbone of nonlinear systems, the Interpolated Short Time Fourier Transform (ISTFT) is proposed as a means to improve the estimation accuracy of the instantaneous amplitudes and frequencies of response signals. It is shown that the backbone curves estimated by the ISTFT agree with theoretical backbone curves very well. Additionally, the restoring force can be reconstructed to specify the type of nonlinear stiffness. A curve-fitting technique is introduced to estimate the parameters of nonlinear systems on the basis of theoretical backbone curves. It is shown that a number of typical nonlinear stiffness functions such as cubic, bilinear and pre-compressed springs can be identified accurately using this new method.
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ASME 7th Biennial Conference on Engineering Systems Design and Analysis
July 19–22, 2004
Manchester, England
Nonlinear System Identification Using Interpolated Short Time Fourier Transform
D. F. Shi,
D. F. Shi
University of Manchester, Manchester, UK
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G. Dimitriadis
G. Dimitriadis
University of Manchester, Manchester, UK
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D. F. Shi
University of Manchester, Manchester, UK
G. Dimitriadis
University of Manchester, Manchester, UK
Paper No:
ESDA2004-58252, pp. 61-67; 7 pages
Published Online:
November 11, 2008
Shi, DF, & Dimitriadis, G. "Nonlinear System Identification Using Interpolated Short Time Fourier Transform." Proceedings of the ASME 7th Biennial Conference on Engineering Systems Design and Analysis. Volume 2. Manchester, England. July 19–22, 2004. pp. 61-67. ASME.
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