In the field of dynamic buckling analysis of shell structures, the effect of vibration on buckling load and the effect of axial loads on vibration are very interesting phenomena. In this work the finite element method has been applied for dynamic buckling analysis of axi-symmetric shell. The degenerated axi-symmetric shell element and subspace iteration technique has been used to carry out the analysis. The stiffness matrix is stored in band form to have efficient memory management and the 3 × 3 gauss quadrature has been used for calculation of element stiffness matrix and consistent load vector. An attempt is made to study the effect of static in-plane edge loads on the fundamental frequency of axi-symmetric shells. The effect of vibration at a prescribed frequency on the buckling behavior of shell is also investigated. From the limited analysis carried out, it is found that the presence of static in-plane edge loads considerably affects the natural frequency and hence necessitates the evaluation of appropriate natural frequency and mode shapes for use in realistically carrying out the dynamic response analysis of structures subjected to forced vibration by mode superposition method.

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